FF2 Media is proud to announce the launch of The Bechdel-Wallace Test! Formerly known as “The Bechdel Test,” based on the 1985 comic strip by cartoonist Alison Bechdel, the measurement of female significance in film is now “The Bechdel-Wallace Test.” The change honors Liz Wallace, a friend of Alison Bechdel and the originator of the test. How… Continue reading Transition to Bechdel-Wallace Test!
Tag: Bechdel Test Fest
Founder of The Bechdel Test Fest, Corrina Antrobus, was dismayed at the poor representation of women in film. In 2013, only 15% of the top 100 films released had a female protagonist. By June 2014, less than half of cinematic releases passed the Bechdel Test (a scene with two female characters talking about something other… Continue reading THE BECHDEL TEST FEST: 2015