Based on the novel of the same name, The 5th Wave, directed by J Blakeson is a high stakes teenage science fiction thriller that feels part Hunger Games, part alien apocalypse. The “Others” need our planet, and they intend to do anything in order to take it. The aliens attack in waves, slowly wiping out… Continue reading THE 5TH WAVE
Tag: Chloë Grace Moretz
Review of Laggies by Associate Editor Brigid K. Presecky Lynn Shelton’s Laggies (a term for those slow to grow up) tells the story of a girl who is stuck in between her high school glory days and full-fledged adulthood. The film begins like a home movie, with footage of a group of high school friends… Continue reading LAGGIES
Yet another adaptation of a YA novel wipes out trying to surf the TWILIGHT wave. This time our perfect high school heroine is a classical cellist who falls for a local Rocker. And then–oh, no–Mom & Dad are killed in a car crash & our heroine must decide whether to join them [presumably in Heaven]… Continue reading IF I STAY