Loosely based on Jean-Paul Sartre’s short story by the same name, The Childhood of a Leader, adapted by director Brady Corbet and his co-writer Mona Fastvold, tells the chilling tale of a young boy’s unnerving childhood, which includes a distant mother, and an absent, brutish father. But instead of Sartre’s story, which follows Lucien in… Continue reading THE CHILDHOOD OF A LEADER (2015)
Tag: France
A painfully slow drama about an estranged couple vacationing on the French seaside who begin to mend their marriage when they find common interest in spying on the newlywed couple next door. Written, directed, and starred in by Angelina Jolie Pitt, By the Sea is a wholly underwhelming film with too little story and too… Continue reading BY THE SEA
A young man fascinated by the underground music scene in Paris, forms a DJ duo group called Cheers. The film spans about 20 years of music, drugs, and sex, portraying all the ups and downs of the life of a struggling artist. (JEP 3.5/5) Review by Contributing Editor Jessica E. Perry This music centric foreign… Continue reading EDEN