Hidden Figures, directed by Theodore (Ted) Melfi and co-written with Allison Schroeder, recounts the inspiring story of three black women who helped NASA advance in the Space Race. Taraji P. Henson leads the impressive cast as Katherine Goble Johnson, the first female mathematician to assist in America’s first orbit of Earth. A triumphant story is brought… Continue reading HIDDEN FIGURES
Tag: Jim Parsons
Wish I Was Here is Zach Braff’s disappointing follow-up to his lovely 2004 hit Garden State. Once again starring and directing, Braff also co-writers in collaboration with his brother Adam J. Braff. The film begins with “Aidan,” (Zach Braff) living an idyllic suburban life with his wife “Sarah” (Kate Hudson) and their two kids, “Grace”… Continue reading WISH I WAS HERE