“Miss Stevens” (Lily Rabe), a high school teacher struggling with her own personal problems, takes a small group of students on a field trip to a weekend-long drama competition. When one student starts to grow too close, Miss Stevens struggles to keep the relationship professional, as “Billy” (Timothée Chalamet) begins to see her better than men… Continue reading MISS STEVENS
Tag: Julia Hart
THE KEEPING ROOM: Review by Brigid Presecky
The Keeping Room, a film that has been deemed the “the feminist Western” is an engaging look at an untold part of history. Brit Marling leads the trio of women–two sisters and their former slave–as they encounter the threats, dangers and hardships during the final days of America’s Civil War. Directed by Daniel Barber with… Continue reading THE KEEPING ROOM: Review by Brigid Presecky