A film by Marjane Satrapi, Radioactive presents itself as a biopic with a twist. On top of capturing the complicated life of Marie Curie, it successfully examines the hardships that come with being a female scientist in early 1900s France. (FEA 4/5) Review by FF2 associate Farah Elattar Satrapi sets the scene by portraying “Maria… Continue reading ‘Radioactive’ celebrates Marie Curie’s life and discoveries
Tag: Marjane Satrapi
Weird & wonderful Black Comedy directed by Marjane Satrapi. (JLH: 4/5) Not yet seen by Rich. ************************* Watching The Voices is like walking a tightrope, which director Marjane Satrapi pulls off brilliantly. This odd, hard-to-describe film is a touching tour de force – even when you’re laughing through your tears. The story begins in the seemingly perfect… Continue reading THE VOICES