Sarah Jessica Parker stars as a divorcee on a trip to Italy with her rebellious teenage daughter. Although the story bounces around from family drama to romance to road trip comedy, this comfort-food of a film is an easy, enjoyable watch. (BKP: 3.5/5) Review by Associate Editor Brigid K. Presecky Director Ella Lemhagen and writers… Continue reading ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME


Written by Desiree Van Til and Sean Mewshaw, Tumbledown is a tale of letting go and finding love in the most unexpected of places. “Hannah”—wonderfully played by Rebecca Hall—is unable to move on from the loss of her late husband. But when a New York City writer comes into town, unbeknownst to them both, it is… Continue reading TUMBLEDOWN


Simon Pegg and Lake Bell star in a laugh-out-loud romantic comedy reminiscent of a bygone era. When lonely “Nancy” (Lake Bell) gets mistaken for “Jack’s” (Simon Pegg) blind date, she decides to play along and and have fun rather than reveal her true identity. This sweet, fun story by Tess Morris hits all the right… Continue reading MAN UP


Director Geeta V. Patel follows her brother Ravi on his quest to fulfill his parents’ wish – finding a wife. A laugh-out-loud, real-life romantic comedy unfolds with heart and humor captured in every moment. The best documentary I have seen in 2015. Highly recommended! (BKP: 5/5) To read FF2 Media’s chat with the Patels, click… Continue reading MEET THE PATELS