Tom Hiddleston stars as an eccentric doctor in this bizarre, brutally boring adaptation of J.G. Ballard’s novel, High-Rise. Amy Jump’s screenplay on social commentary might appeal to fans of science-fiction/horror, but the average moviegoer may miss the “comedy” in this so-called “dark-comedy” entirely. (BKP: 2.5/5) Review by Associate Editor Brigid K. Presecky There are people… Continue reading HIGH-RISE


Mississippi Grind is an underwhelming dramatic comedy, written and directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck about a down on his luck gambler “Gerry” (Ben Mendelsohn), who meets a younger, slightly more successful gambler “Curtis” (Ryan Reynolds) and the two take to the road to win back some cash. (JEP: 2.5/5) Review by Contributing Editor… Continue reading MISSISSIPPI GRIND