Synopsis: Ghost Fleet, directed by Shannon Service and Jeffrey Waldron, follows a rescue operation across Southeast Asia performed by Patima Tungpuchayakul, co-founder of LPN (Labour Rights Promotion Network Foundation), and her crew. Their mission is to find and bring home those that have escaped the modern-day slavery that often goes undetected on Thai fishing vessels,… Continue reading ‘Ghost Fleet’ Documentary A Chilling Look Into The Lives Of Thailand’s Trafficked Fisherman
Tag: anika guttormson
‘Berlin, I Love You’ Paints a Spectacularly Horrid Picture of Germany’s Capital
Berlin, I Love You is a messy portrait of the capital of Germany that knits together ten short stories told from the perspective of ten different directors. (AG: 1/5 stars) Review by FF2 Intern Anika Guttormson Berlin, I Love You undertakes a difficult challenge in its compilation of ten different short stories but ultimately fails… Continue reading ‘Berlin, I Love You’ Paints a Spectacularly Horrid Picture of Germany’s Capital
‘Daughter of Mine’ delivers moving look into the trials of motherhood
A withdrawn ten year old named Vittoria is confronted with the reality of her past when her biological mother attempts to come back into her life. (AG: 3/5 stars) Review by FF2 Intern Anika Guttormson Daughter of Mine (2018) is an Italian film by director Laura Bispuri, and co-written by Francesca Manieri and Laura… Continue reading ‘Daughter of Mine’ delivers moving look into the trials of motherhood