‘A Beautiful Day in Our Neighborhood’ Continues the Positive Legacy of Mr. Rogers

  It seems like the world could always learn a lesson in kindness and emotional growth, and in this time of social distancing, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is more relevant than ever. Giorgi and Carly first saw this movie in theaters last year, and revisit it now over a Facetime hangout to discuss… Continue reading ‘A Beautiful Day in Our Neighborhood’ Continues the Positive Legacy of Mr. Rogers

‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’ Encompasses Pain and Beauty of Life

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is a truly “beautiful” film. Love, pain, a family working through their issues — it’s got it all. The film is centered around the beloved children’s show host Mister Rogers and a reporter assigned to write an article about why he is a hero. Director Marielle Heller managers to… Continue reading ‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’ Encompasses Pain and Beauty of Life