Freida Lee Mock’s documentary Anita tells the story of Anita Hill, law professor and civil rights activist. While then-Judge Clarence Thomas was being considered to be a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Hill spoke up about his sexual harassment of her when she worked for him. Since then, Hill has worked to spread awareness about sexual… Continue reading ANITA B
Tag: Anita Hill
Full Title = Anita Hill: Speaking Truth to Power Freida Lee Mock’s inspiring doc updates us on the life of Brandeis Law Professor Anita Hill 20 years after she was called to the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify after Clarence Thomas was nominated to serve on the Supreme Court. Mock rejects the “He Said/She Said”… Continue reading ANITA
PRLF 2012 Wrap-Up
Another year at the Printers Row Lit Fest! This was my 9th year at the PRLF, & this year, for the first time, I finally had a book of my own to sell 🙂 First & foremost, my thanks to Art & Susan Brauer who served as coordinators of the IWPA Tent this year. Thanks… Continue reading PRLF 2012 Wrap-Up