Directors Jennifer Lee (Walt Disney Animation’s first and only female director on an animated film) and Chris Buck take Elsa and Anna back to the big screen with Frozen II, a bigger, sometimes better sequel to the 2013 blockbuster – one that became the highest grossing animated film of all time in worldwide box office.… Continue reading Stunning Sequel ‘Frozen II’ Will Close Out Banner Month for Disney
Tag: Disney
Director Steven Spielberg and screenwriter Melissa Mathison have brought imagination to life from the musings of Roald Dahl, creating a wondrous world in which giants roam the streets of London past. “Sophie’s” (Ruby Barnhill) life is forever changed when she’s plucked out of her bed at the orphanage one night by “BFG” aka the “Big… Continue reading THE BFG
Screenwriter Linda Woolverton brings Lewis Carroll’s beloved characters back for a second live action installment in the sequel to the 2010 adventure Alice in Wonderland. In Disney’s highly anticipated, yet underwhelming film, Alice Through the Looking Glass, “Alice” (Mia Wasikowska) returns to Wonderland, beckoned back to the fantastical world to save the Mad Hatter. In… Continue reading ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS
Disney Animation has done it again, breaking records with their new release Zootopia. The film tells the story of one young rabbit, “Judy Hopps” (Ginnifer Goodwin) who is determined to prove herself as the first bunny on the ZPD police force. And when someone begins to target and kidnap predators, Judy just may have her… Continue reading ZOOTOPIA